
Star on the Brink

When Eta Carinae flared in 1837 it threw off a Sun’s worth of mass, but that’s nothing compared with the fireworks in store.

Back to Mars on All Sixes

An armada of spacecraft, including a six-wheeled, cat-sized rover, is on its way to study the Red Planet’s surface and atmosphere.

Extreme Stars

From tiny to immense, cool to blistering hot, and dim to blindingly bright, stars show remarkable variety.

Sky Almanac

These bitterly cold nights offer fine views of Saturn and Mars as they frame the brilliant stars of winter.

Discover the Winter Sky

A 2- to 6-inch scope can show you this season’s treats.

Suit up for Winter Observing

With the right getup, you can brave winter’s worst.

The Year of the Comet

Observers and photographers should get ready for Hale-Bopp’s dazzling appearance.

Redeem a Department-Store Telescope

Turn a wobbly refractor into a stable observing instrument.

Exploring Southern Nebulae

Pretty gas clouds line the Milky Way from Orion to Vela.


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