Photo Submission Guidelines
Astronomy magazine and accept color or black-and-white digital images for publication.
Submit digital images via email as TIFF or JPG files to
Include with each image:

- photographer’s name, mailing and email addresses, and phone number
- date, time, and location the image was taken
- camera and telescope used
- megapixel size of camera
- telescope or lens aperture and focal ratio
- film, ISO setting, exposure time(s), and filters used
Include image data in email body or as a separate file.
The photos we accept will be filed for possible future use. Photos submitted for Astronomy magazine also will be considered for website use. By submitting your images to Astronomy, you grant continuous rights for our usage of images in Astronomy magazine, on the internet, and in promotional materials.
Although the photo may remain in our files for future use, you maintain mutual usage rights unless we make other mutually agreeable arrangements.
Tips for photographers
- Shoot current events such as eclipses, conjunctions, and meteor showers.
- Process photos quickly and send the pictures to us promptly.
- Photograph deep-sky objects that are unusual.