Submit a Question to Ask Astro

Ask Astro answers reader questions about the science and hobby of astronomy in every issue of the magazine.

Be concise and focused in formulating your question. If the question takes 150 words to ask, consider that it’s unlikely we can answer it in the space available in the magazine. Click here to read some questions from past issues.

Please include your name as you would like it to appear if printed in the magazine, as well as your complete mailing address, and, if applicable, your e-mail address. We will send you a complimentary copy of the magazine in which your question appears.

Submitted questions will be edited for length and clarity before publication.

To submit Ask Astro questions, please email, or simply fill out the fields below:

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Puzzled by Pluto? Confounded by cosmology? Ask Astro! Be concise and focused in formulating your question. Submitted questions will be edited for length and clarity before publication.

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