Science In the November 2017 issue’s gravitational waves story, Robert Naeye wrote, “If gravitational waves disperse, slower frequencies will arrive at the detectors after the faster ones.” But how are there different velocities for different frequencies? It seems illogical to me.
Solar System, Stars My understanding is that the materials for our solar system and others nearby were created by a supernova. Where is the black hole from that supernova?
Cosmology If not even light can escape from a black hole, how can you explain jets that launch at near light speed extending for numerous light-years?
Exoplanets I have heard that exoplanet Kepler-1625b might have an exomoon. Is it possible for two planets to be in a binary system around a single star?
Solar System Does (or will) the planet Venus get hotter as years and centuries pass, or will it stay at the same temperature?
Solar System Is Jupiter’s moon Io gradually losing mass because of all the volcanic activity? And if so, what will be the moon’s final fate?