Robotic Spaceflight, Science, Solar System How will the landings, takeoffs, and investigative explosions from the OSIRIS-REx and Hayabusa2 spacecraft alter the orbital paths of asteroids Bennu and Ryugu? Can these effects be equated to a duration of sunlight falling on each asteroid?
Science If our Sun is a typical star, and if most stars are surrounded by Oort clouds, why do these clouds not obscure our view of other stars?
Science Is the Moon’s rotation rate still slowing down? If so, will there come a time when the currently unseen 41 percent will be visible from Earth?
Cosmology If gravitational waves come from two massive objects orbiting each other, then does the Earth-Moon system create gravitational waves? What frequency would they have?
Exoplanets, Planets, Solar System How can astronomers be sure that Pluto is larger than Eris? Could we get a different number for Eris’ size once it’s visited by a spacecraft?
Exoplanets, Planets, Solar System Why haven’t we sent a microphone to Mars, or any other planet for that matter?