Cosmology What if there were two gravitational wave sources coming from different directions? Would there be an interference pattern?
Solar System Are impactors more prevalent in the outer solar system than they are in the inner solar system? Does this affect how surface ages are estimated?
Telescopes and Equipment How does one determine magnification? I have an Edmund Scientific Astroscan, 4-1/8-inch aperture, F/4.2 reflecting telescope, used with a 2.5x Barlow lens and a 28mm Plossl eyepiece.
Telescopes and Equipment I am struggling to find a system for telescopic observations of the planets and their major moons worthy of photographing. One wrinkle: I am in a wheelchair and almost blind.
Science Plenty of really hot things exist in the universe. But do we know of fire anywhere besides on our planet?
Exoplanets, Planets Most of the photographs I see of the aurora borealis are green. Is this due to the film used?
Exotic Objects A black hole’s gravity is so strong that light can’t escape. But every time I see a photo or an illustration there is something streaming in or out of it. How is this possible?
Exoplanets, Planets, Solar System Venus has a weak magnetic field. Being much closer to the Sun than Mars, why has the solar wind not eroded its atmosphere?