Galaxies, Milky Way The Milky Way and Andromeda galaxies are approaching each other. With current technology, how long would it take before we could directly measure the apparent increase in size of Andromeda?
Exoplanets, Planets, Solar System Astronomers once thought Pluto’s atmosphere would condense down to the surface as it moved away from the Sun. Can that still be true, and if so, is that causing the surface features we now see?
Science The Sun shines through portals at ancient monuments on certain days of the year. Given that Earth precesses on its axis every 26,000 years, wouldn’t that cause all those alignments to be off?
Stars We are made up of elements forged in stars. But with the vast distances between stars, are we the product of only one star or many?
Telescopes and Equipment When amateur astronomers grow old and wish to donate their telescope and observatory to their local club, who assesses the value?