Observing What do the abbreviations R.A. and Dec. mean, and how do you use them to find objects in the sky?
Solar System Do other planets have meteor showers like Earth has? Can we see them through telescopes? If so, can we learn anything about the planet’s atmosphere by looking at the light as meteors burn?
Exotic Objects Is there a correlation between the mass of a supermassive black hole and the amount of stars within its galaxy? If so, what is it?
Exoplanets, Planets, Solar System Is Mars red because of iron corrosion? If so, what process caused it to occur?
Science If photons have no mass, how can black holes gravitationally affect them? How can the huge gravity of a galaxy cluster bend their paths?
Galaxies How do we get such beautiful, ornate, and symmetrical shapes of galaxies — pinwheels, ovals, spirals, and central bars — when the same gravitational forces are at work as those that affect Earth and the Sun’s other planets?