
Hot Distant Sights

The Orion Nebula, the Pleiades, and Omega Centauri are just a few on our list of the greatest deep-sky objects.

Into the Maelstrom

Nearly a millennium ago, a supernova exploded and gave birth to the Crab Nebula. Astronomers are only now starting to learn the secrets of this age-old object.

Exploding Stars Tell All

White dwarfs that exploded billions of years ago suggest a universe fated to expand forever.

Astronomy’s Archangel

Meet Roger Angel, a technical wizard whose innovative methods for casting huge mirrors are helping astronomers probe deeper into the universe.

Spying on Planetary Nurseries

As new techniques allow astronomers to peer deeper into the galaxy, they have found dusty disks surrounding many stars. Could these be the cradles of planets?

Leo’s Incandescent Rain

When Earth passes through the debris of Comet Tempel-Tuttle this month, it may produce the best meteor shower of the past 33 years.

Space in the Desert

Visit northern Arizona, where Percival Lowell searched for martian canals, Clyde Tombaugh discovered Pluto, and a huge meteor smashed into Earth

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We answer your questions about the science and hobby of astronomy.


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