July 2006
The world's best-selling astronomy magazine offers you the most exciting, visually stunning, and timely coverage of the heavens above. Each monthly issue includes expert science reporting, vivid color photography, complete sky coverage, spot-on observing tips, informative telescope reviews, and much more! All this in an easy-to-understand, user-friendly style that's perfect for astronomers at any level.
Where is the universe heading?
To find out how it all ends, scientists need to understand what makes up the universe.
This story is the 2007 winner of the American Institute of Physics’ Science Writing Award for a Scientist. You can read this story here.
Online extra: Cosmology’s telescopes
To answer big questions, scientists need to think big about their observing tools.
Cassini unveils Saturn
Nearly 2 years into its extraordinary mission, NASA’s Cassini spacecraft reveals the ringed planet’s secrets.
Online extra: What’s next for Cassini
The Cassini mission has already delivered fantastic images and groundbreaking science. Here’s what’s planned for its second act.
Witness to cosmic collisions
NASA’s Swift mission has helped astronomers solve the 35-year-old mystery of what causes short gamma-ray bursts.
Online extra: Searching for GRBs
Since the 1960s, various spacecraft have contributed to the current body of gamma-ray burst knowledge.
Spiders from Mars
Dark, branching patterns on Mars’ south pole link the planet’s climate to its most prominent landforms.
Online extra: Mars’ south polar zoo
Spiders are just one of many strange landforms at the martian south pole.
Discover great nebulae in Cygnus
Glowing gas and dark dust mingle in spectacular ways among the Swan’s star clouds.
Online extra: See more sights in the Swan
Enjoy a variety of stunning nebulae in Cygnus.
A southern-sky Messier Catalog
From south of the equator, you can observer 152 Bennett objects as impressive as the best in the north.
Online extra: Southern deep-sky treats
Use this printable list to target some spectacular celestial objects.
Solar eclipse trips
Astronomy editors view the Sun’s corona from two Mediterranean locations.
Online extra: Mediterranean tour gallery
See the sites from Astronomy’s tour of the Mediterranean while chasing the March 29 eclipse.
Designed to shoot the sky
Canon’s EOS 20Da camera sets a new standard for astrophotography.
This month in Astronomy
Beautiful universe
Bob Berman’s strange universe
Glenn Chaple’s observing basics
The sky this month
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