April 2009
The world's best-selling astronomy magazine offers you the most exciting, visually stunning, and timely coverage of the heavens above. Each monthly issue includes expert science reporting, vivid color photography, complete sky coverage, spot-on observing tips, informative telescope reviews, and much more! All this in an easy-to-understand, user-friendly style that's perfect for astronomers at any level.
Why the universe had no beginning
The Big Bang may not have been the instant of creation but a single event in an infinite cycle.
Web extra: A cosmos with no beginning or end
The cyclic theory of the universe proposes a novel answer to the question: What happened at the Big Bang?
Is Earth one of a kind?
Ten years ago astronomers thought our planet was really, really special. New observations suggest it may not be so rare.
Is the Big Bang in trouble?
The cosmologists who explained how our universe came to be now face their greatest challenge: proving exotic fundamental concepts like dark matter and energy.
Web extra: The curious matter of the missing matter
Scientists still can’t account for about 40 percent of the stuff of stars, planets, and people.
Find your way through the spring sky
Warm weather and giant constellations beckon beginning observers.
Chris Schur captures the universe
Detailed galaxy shots, Milky Way panoramas, and gleaming star clusters showcase this skyshooter’s best work.
With HyperStar, you’ll image more in less time
After a quick alteration, you can produce great images up to 30 times faster.
Web extra: Newton’s universe
View a mix of solar and deep-sky images taken by a master.
This Month in Astronomy
Astro Confidential
Bob Berman’s Strange Universe
Stephen James O’Meara’s Secret Sky
The Sky this Month
Ask Astro
Glenn Chaple’s Observing Basics
Advertiser Index
Phil Harrington’s Binocular Universe
Comb through Coma Berenices
New Products
Telescope Insider
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