August 2011
The world's best-selling astronomy magazine offers you the most exciting, visually stunning, and timely coverage of the heavens above. Each monthly issue includes expert science reporting, vivid color photography, complete sky coverage, spot-on observing tips, informative telescope reviews, and much more! All this in an easy-to-understand, user-friendly style that's perfect for astronomers at any level.
Understanding antimatter
All matter and antimatter should have annihilated each other early in the universe’s history. So, what allowed matter to survive?
Web Extra: Trapping antimatter
CERN scientists have produced and captured antihydrogen atoms.
Storm warning
From Mars’ tenuous carbon dioxide atmosphere to Jupiter’s hydrogen-rich envelope, the solar system’s worlds provide an often-bewildering array of planetary weather.
Web Extra: A pair of planetary conundrums
Some scientists think acid rain may not be the oddest form of precipitation on Venus. And on Saturn, researchers can’t measure precise wind speeds because they don’t know how fast the planet rotates.
What happened to science education?
Test scores are down, ignorance is rampant, disinformation is everywhere, and nobody seems to care.
Web Extra: Astronomy’s favorite equations
Be they useful, powerful, or beautiful, these relationships represent a few of our favorite things about science.
Join the Astronomical League’s observing clubs
Become a better observer by taking carefully planned tours of the sky.
Why teens should care about astronomy
Fourteen-year-old Ayla Besemer explains why she likes astronomy and why other kids should, too.
Web Extra: How the staff got into astronomy
What initiated the magazine staff’s interest in space and astronomy?
40 cosmic questions and answers
These quick takes will help you along your astronomical journey.
Web Extra: More questions readers want answered
You’ll impress family and amateur astronomers alike with your knowledge of these astronomical concepts.
Web Extra – Even more questions for a cloudy night
These 50 queries will test your knowledge of astronomy trivia.
There’s an astro app for that
Star charts, observing guides, games, and more can turn your iPhone, iPad, or iPod Touch into your best buddy.
The Sky this Month
In Every Issue
This Month in Astronomy
Web Talk
Astro News
Reader Gallery
Web Talk
Astro News
Reader Gallery
Astro Confidential
Deep-sky showcase
The Cosmic Grid
Astro Confidential
Deep-sky showcase
The Cosmic Grid