January 2011
The world's best-selling astronomy magazine offers you the most exciting, visually stunning, and timely coverage of the heavens above. Each monthly issue includes expert science reporting, vivid color photography, complete sky coverage, spot-on observing tips, informative telescope reviews, and much more! All this in an easy-to-understand, user-friendly style that's perfect for astronomers at any level.
Astronomy’s Guide to the Night Sky
This handy four-page insert will keep you looking up all year.
How we’ll probe the solar system
Humanity has come a long way since our first forays into space 5 decades ago. The next 10 years will take us even further.
Web Extra: Remembering the first solar system probes
Return to a time when little was known about the outer planets and everyone looked forward to Voyager’s discoveries.
A shocking surprise in Stephan’s Quintet
Unexpected radiation in this celebrated galaxy group is puzzling astronomers. Here’s how they are sorting out the mystery.
Web Extra: See more of Stephans Quintet
This galaxy group is stunning in photographs.
How an artist brought the heavens to Earth
Before computers, advanced telescopes, or even film cameras, Étienne Leopold Trouvelot’s drawings shaped how the public saw the heavens.
Web Extra: See more of Trouvelot’s artwork
The 19th-century artist’s illustrations reveal not just some of the sky’s more famous objects, but also the attitudes toward them on Earth.
10 top winter binocular treats
You don’t need a telescope to observe these cold weather wonders.
Web Extra: Cold weather gems photo gallery
Enjoy more images of winter binocular objects.
Shoot the sky without a telescope
These simple techniques will help you capture great pictures with just a camera on a tripod.
Web Extra: How to choose a camera for astroimaging
Off-the-shelf digital cameras can deliver splendid shots of the night sky.
Become an observer in 10 simple steps
Amateur astronomy is fun and easy. Follow these tips and you’ll be viewing the universe in no time.
The new Dobsonian revolution
The simplest telescope undergoes a high-tech redesign.
The Sky this Month
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Deep-sky Showcase
The Cosmic Grid
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The Cosmic Grid
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