May 2011
The world's best-selling astronomy magazine offers you the most exciting, visually stunning, and timely coverage of the heavens above. Each monthly issue includes expert science reporting, vivid color photography, complete sky coverage, spot-on observing tips, informative telescope reviews, and much more! All this in an easy-to-understand, user-friendly style that's perfect for astronomers at any level.
Bonus Poster: The Universe — from here to eternity
From the inner solar system out to the Virgo galaxy cluster, Astronomy takes you on a tour of our place in the cosmos.
Opening a new window on the Sun
With three instruments operating 24/7, the Solar Dynamics Observatory is gleaning new insights into how magnetic fields control solar activity.
Web Extra: NASA’s newest eye on the Sun
The Solar Dynamics Observatory is viewing the Sun’s magnetic field from its origin beneath the surface to the rarefied gas in the corona.
What will happen when the next asteroid strikes?
Planetary scientist Clark R. Chapman explains the hazards of near-Earth objects colliding with our planet.
Web Extra: Earth as a target
Evidence of impacts is evident all over Earth’s surface.
Hollywood astronomy
Astronomy and space have influenced movies for more than a century. What is it that keeps audiences coming back for more?
Web Extra: Hollywood astronomy lite
Space can provide a fun setting for any movie without actually mattering to the story.
Web Extra: A look at La Voyage dans la lune
Join some of Astronomy’s editors on the very first cinematic space journey.
How to observe high-energy galaxies
Seyfert galaxies emit strange light that comes from supermassive black holes. Even better – many make great telescopic targets.
Web Extra: More Seyfert galaxies
Point your telescope at more of these high-energy celestial wonders.
All about prime-focus imaging
Capture star clusters, nebulae, and galaxies using a telescope as your camera’s lens.
Web Extra: How to image the sky
Our astrophotography series will have you becoming an accomplished imager in no time.
Track the sky with Vixen’s AXD Mount
Spot-on accuracy and an ultra-cool controller place this mount at the top of the heap.
Web Extra A review turns into a viewing session
I’ve put together an image gallery of celestial treats I observed both nights. I hope you can get out under a similarly dark sky and enjoy them like I did.
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