May 2020
The world's best-selling astronomy magazine offers you the most exciting, visually stunning, and timely coverage of the heavens above. Each monthly issue includes expert science reporting, vivid color photography, complete sky coverage, spot-on observing tips, informative telescope reviews, and much more! All this in an easy-to-understand, user-friendly style that's perfect for astronomers at any level.
Is the Big Bang in crisis?
Stubborn problems with dark matter, dark energy, and cosmic expansion have some astronomers rethinking what we know about the early universe
V.M. Slipher’s expanding universe
The Lowell Observatory astronomer’s revolutionary findings include the expansion of the universe and the discovery of the interstellar medium.
Cosmic clouds 3D
A glimpse behind the dusty veil of nebulae reveals the chemistry of the universe.
Charting the 19th-century heavens
Schools and colleges throughout America regarded The Geography of the Heavens as a valuable tool for teaching astronomy
Target edge-on and face-on galaxies
Hunting pins and needles in the deep sky will give your observing some pizzazz.
We test Canon’s new astrocamera
With 30 megapixels of resolution, a full-frame sensor, and a mirrorless body, the EOS Ra camera can help you reveal the night sky in all its glory.
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Sky this Month
Venus meets Mercury
StarDome and Path of the Planets
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