Dark Skies Apparel’s Hooded Observing Vest has a 100-percent brushed cotton denim exterior and a cotton poly-blend lining. It features an oversized “monk” hood, four large and four small eyepiece pockets, two pencil pockets, and a reading glass pocket.
Price: $75 (regular); $80 (XL)
[t] 773.853.0416
[w] www.darkskiesapparel.com
This product appeared in the January 2011 New Products page.
Dark Skies Apparel’s Hooded Observing Vest has a 100-percent brushed cotton denim exterior and a cotton poly-blend lining. It features an oversized “monk” hood, four large and four small eyepiece pockets, two pencil pockets, and a reading glass pocket.
Price: $75 (regular); $80 (XL)
[t] 773.853.0416
[w] www.darkskiesapparel.com
This product appeared in the January 2011 New Products page.