This review, “Eyes wide open,” appeared in the January 2006 issue of Astronomy magazine
Most observers find binoculars easier to use than a telescope. Enter the binoviewer, an accessory with an internal prism that sends light to two eyepieces, letting your telescope mimic binoculars. When I unpacked the Denkmeier II Powerswitch Binoviewer, I thought, “If this thing matches the way it looks and feels, Denkmeier Optical has a real winner.” When I looked through the binoviewer, my thought changed to “Oh, wow!”
I pointed my Schmidt-Cassegrain telescope (SCT) at the First Quarter Moon. I quickly called my wife and a couple of neighbors over to enjoy the view. All concurred with my “wow” assessment. I then spent the next few hours enjoying the most spectacular views of the Moon, Jupiter, and Saturn I have ever seen through this scope. And all without the “face-muscle fatigue” that plagues every astronomer who has spent serious time at an eyepiece.
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