HOTECH’s Advanced CT Laser Collimator uses a flat mirror at the eyepiece location, a target placed in front of the telescope, and three lasers to align your Schmidt-Cassegrain telescope. You can collimate day or night, indoors or out.
Price: $455
[t] 909.987.8828
Price: $455
[t] 909.987.8828
This product appeared in the March 2013 New Products page.
HOTECH’s Advanced CT Laser Collimator uses a flat mirror at the eyepiece location, a target placed in front of the telescope, and three lasers to align your Schmidt-Cassegrain telescope. You can collimate day or night, indoors or out.
Price: $455
[t] 909.987.8828
Price: $455
[t] 909.987.8828
This product appeared in the March 2013 New Products page.