Meet this Newtonian astrograph telescope

This new Boren-Simon astrograph offers 8 inches of aperture, a fast focal ratio, and high-quality optics.
By | Published: April 27, 2011 | Last updated on May 18, 2023

Boren-Simon designed its PowerNewt 2.8-8 ED for wide-field astroimaging.
Astronomy: William Zuback

The first decade of 21st-century amateur astronomy witnessed an explosion of digital astroimaging gear. At the same time, telescopes designed specifically for those digital cameras — called astrographs — have become increasingly popular, as well.

One of the few Newtonian-based astrographs on the market comes from the Israeli company Boren-Simon. Its PowerNewt 2.8-8 ED is an 8-inch f/2.8 reflector designed for wide-field astrophotography. With a focal ratio of 2.8, this is the fastest commercial Newtonian.