From the April 2006 issue

Phil Harrington binocular universe (June 2006 online extra)

In addition to Alcor and Mizar, M51, and M101, there are plenty of other great binocular sights around the Dipper's handle. Here are a few extras to have fun with this month.
By | Published: April 21, 2006 | Last updated on May 18, 2023

Also known as the Sunflower Galaxy, M63 is a spiral located in Canes Venatici. The galaxy was the first deep-sky object found by Messier’s friend, Pierre Méchain, who observed on June 14, 1779.
Warren A. Keller
The double star Iota Boötis is found about a binocular field east-northeast of the handle star Alkaid, just across the border with the constellation Boötes. Seven-power binoculars can just make out both of the system’s stars.

Try your luck with these three 8th-magnitude galaxies that lie in wait to the south of the handle, within the constellation Canes Venatici.

M63 is found almost halfway between Alkaid and Cor Caroli (Alpha Canum Venaticorum).

M94 is located northeast of the halfway point between Cor Caroli and Chara (Beta Canum Venaticorum).

M106 is found halfway between Chara and Phecda, marking the Dipper’s southeastern corner.

For variable star observers, take a look at Y Canum Venaticorum about 5° northeast of Chara. Y CVn, as it is usually abbreviated, is a rare carbon star that fluctuates between 5th and 7th magnitudes. Its unusually deep red color has led to its nickname of “La Superba.”