This review, “With HyperStar, you’ll image more in less time,” appeared in the April 2009 issue of Astronomy magazine.
For years I bought bigger and bigger telescopes so I could get higher magnifications and brighter images. Unfortunately, the trade-offs were bloated stars and tougher guiding. Not anymore. The HyperStar lens system, manufactured by Tucson-based Starizona, allows me to transform narrowaperture telescopes so they gather light like much bigger instruments.
Lightning fast
With an f/2 focal ratio, the HyperStar lens allows me to take exposures up to 31 times faster than through a standard Schmidt-Cassegrain telescope (SCT) at f/10. A 60-second exposure with the HyperStar at f/2 equals a 30.9-minute exposure at f/10. This makes it simple to take advantage of sky conditions, even when they’re short-lived.
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