picture-of-the-day-26https://www.astronomy.com/picture-of-the-day/photo/picture-of-the-day-26/Picture of the DayAstronomy.com is for anyone who wants to learn more about astronomy events, cosmology, planets, galaxies, asteroids, astrophotography, the Big Bang, black holes, comets, constellations, eclipses, exoplanets, nebulae, meteors, quasars, observing, telescopes, NASA, Hubble, space missions, stargazing, and morehttps://www.astronomy.com/uploads/2023/03/LunarEclipse.jpgInStockUSD1.001.00uncategorizedarticleASY2023-05-102022-08-16114737
The May 15, 2022, total lunar eclipse casts its glow over El Sauce Observatory in Chile. The image was captured with a 3.2-inch scope and a QHY600 CMOS camera.