picture-of-the-day-30https://www.astronomy.com/picture-of-the-day/photo/picture-of-the-day-30/Picture of the DayAstronomy.com is for anyone who wants to learn more about astronomy events, cosmology, planets, galaxies, asteroids, astrophotography, the Big Bang, black holes, comets, constellations, eclipses, exoplanets, nebulae, meteors, quasars, observing, telescopes, NASA, Hubble, space missions, stargazing, and morehttps://www.astronomy.com/uploads/2023/03/SolRobLyonsJuly112022.jpgInStockUSD1.001.00uncategorizedarticleASY2023-05-102022-08-16114752
Solar cycle 25 continues to heat up, as evidenced by this view of the Sun through a Hydrogen-alpha filter. Dark, active sunspot regions are visible, as are bright prominences protruding from its edges.