From the April 2006 issue

June 2006 resources

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By | Published: April 21, 2006 | Last updated on May 18, 2023

Seeing red
Web — In “An age-colour relationship for main-belt S-complex asteroids,” Robert Jedicke and his coworkers lay out the link between meteorites and asteroids and show that space weathering does, indeed, happen. The paper appeared in the May 20, 2004, Nature; a PDF is available here.

See also “Blushing asteroids” by Associate Editor Francis Reddy.

For perspective on the problem of space weathering, see “Interplanetary Weathering: Surface Erosion in Outer Space,” a 1996 article written by Beth E. Clark of Cornell University and Robert E. Johnson of the University of Virginia, Charlottesville.

The first billion years
Astronomy articles — Space Telescope Science Institute astronomer Sangeeta Malhotra described the search for infant galaxies lurking in the Hubble Ultra Deep Field in “As far as Hubble can see” (November 2005).

Taking a different tack, Ray Jayawardhana described the hunt for ancient stars and what they can tell us about the infant universe in “In search of the first stars” (December 2005).

Print — On a more technical level, Volker Springel of the Max Planck Institute for Astrophysics in Garching, Germany, and his team described their computer simulations of how structure formed in the early universe in “Simulations of the formation, evolution and clustering of galaxies and quasars” (Nature, June 2, 2005).

Web — Volker Springel’s team has posted simulations of how the cold-dark-matter model of the universe causes cosmic structure to form here. The site includes both movies and snapshots.

Stargazing in ancient Egypt
Print — A more in-depth look at the authors’ research into the relation between sky phenomena and ancient Egyptian art and architecture can be found in “Illuminated in Lightland: The Archaeoastronomical Origins of the Seat of the first Occurrence in the Egyptian Solar Cult Religion” (ARCE Bulletin Number 189, Spring 2006).

A good background on the zodiacal light and other sights visible around the times of sunrise and sunset can be found in Sunsets, twilights, and evening skies by Aden and Marjorie Meinel (Cambridge University Press, 1983).