Tuesday’s launch attempt was plagued by weather issues, even though the vehicle itself was ready to fly. After multiple attempts to reset to new launch times during the 4-hour window, the final scrub came when the weather did not improve as the end of the window neared. Tomorrow’s weather improves somewhat, with a 40 percent “no-go.”
Wednesday’s attempt will have the same 4-hour window that ends at noon, and live coverage will also begin again at 5 a.m. EDT.
The Ares I rocket is being designed to carry astronauts to space in the Orion crew exploration vehicle. The Ares I-X test flight also will allow NASA to gather critical data during ascent of the vehicle’s integrated stack, which includes the Ares I with a simulated upper stage, Orion and launch abort system. Data collected from more than 700 sensors throughout the rocket will begin to confirm the vehicle as a whole is safe and stable in flight before astronauts begin traveling into orbit.
More coverage of Ares I-X rocket on Astronomy.com.