Cluster’s decade of discovery

The Cluster mission provides a 3-D picture of how the continuous solar wind of charged particles or plasma from the Sun affects our near-Earth space environment and its protective magnetosphere.Provided by ESA, Noordwijk, Netherlands
By | Published: July 20, 2010 | Last updated on May 18, 2023

Cluster spacecraft
Artist’s impression of the four Cluster spacecraft flying in formation.
July 20, 2010
The European Space Agency’s (ESA) pioneering Cluster mission is celebrating its 10th anniversary. During the past decade, Cluster’s four satellites have provided extraordinary insights into the largely invisible interaction between the Sun and Earth.

Cluster’s four satellites, Rumba, Samba, Salsa, and Tango, fly in formation around Earth to provide a 3-D picture of how the continuous “solar wind” of charged particles or plasma from the Sun affects our near-Earth space environment and its protective “magnetic bubble” — the magnetosphere.

Occasionally, the solar wind becomes turbulent and gusty, buffeting Earth’s magnetic field and producing high-energy particles. These storms in the magnetosphere can hamper electrical systems aboard satellites and on the ground. In the worst cases, they can destroy vital electronic components, rendering satellites and other electrical technology dead.

“Cluster has provided us with a wealth of data to understand the physical processes behind space weather better,” said Philippe Escoubet from ESA, Noordwijk, the Netherlands.

The observations have revealed a dramatic realm of invisible violence. Cluster has investigated how the solar wind penetrates near-Earth space and discovered that under certain circumstances magnetic whirlpools larger than Earth bore into our magnetosphere, injecting their venomous particles.

When these solar wind particles reach Earth’s atmosphere, they trigger the sublime glow of the northern and southern aurorae. Here too, Cluster has been a revelation.

Cluster has confirmed that black aurore, strange electrical phenomena that generate dark, empty regions within the northern and southern lights, are a kind of “anti-aurora,” sucking electrons from the ionosphere.

Undoubtedly one of the major highlights of the mission has been the first 3-D map of the heart of a ubiquitous magnetic process called reconnection. This takes place when magnetic fields collide, releasing energy and allowing previously separated plasmas of electrified gas to mix. At the very center of the event is the null point.

Cluster has provided scientists with the first 3-D picture of a null point, delivering vital new information. At the time of the reconnection event, the magnetic field was twisted into a 300-mile-wide (500 kilometers) tube in this region.

Understanding magnetic reconnection is a major quest in physics. It is responsible for solar flares, tremendous solar explosions that can be a billion times more powerful than an atomic bomb. In laboratories, unwanted reconnection frustrates efforts to produce electricity in fusion reactors.

Success came eventually after a dramatic beginning when on June 4, 1996, the first Cluster quartet was destroyed in a catastrophic failure of the Ariane 501 shortly after launch. The Cluster team turned this disaster into a resounding success. The satellites were rebuilt and launched just 4 years later. “It was a tremendous achievement by the whole team to rebuild, test, and relaunch this mission in such a short time,” said John Ellwood from ESA.

The second time Cluster was sent into orbit two at a time using Russian Soyuz launchers. The first pair lifted off from the Baikonur Cosmodrome in Kazakhstan July 16, 2000, and the second pair a month later. All 4 have been circling Earth in formation ever since, conducting their own style of complex orbital dance.

Cluster is helping scientists to understand how plasma behaves in all environments. With the four satellites still in excellent condition, the mission has now been extended to 2012.