May 2013
The world's best-selling astronomy magazine offers you the most exciting, visually stunning, and timely coverage of the heavens above. Each monthly issue includes expert science reporting, vivid color photography, complete sky coverage, spot-on observing tips, informative telescope reviews, and much more! All this in an easy-to-understand, user-friendly style that's perfect for astronomers at any level.
How life survived a cool early Sun
How did Earth’s surface stay warm enough for liquid water to exist and life to emerge?
Web Extra: Brewing up a solar storm
Earth and the life on it managed to survive a faint Sun during the solar system’s early years. We face a far more luminous star in the 21st century, and one that is nearing maximum activity during 2013.
Why the universe has no center
Confused by the universe’s size, shape, and limits? Let our experts clarify these complex concepts.
Web Extra: Why cosmic expansion is speeding up
What’s the mysterious “stuff” that causes this acceleration?
The science behind UFOs
Even the strangest sightings have logical explanations.
Web Extra: More UFOs identified
Although some UFOs are truly bizarre, they still can have explanations that do not involve aliens.
Target Hubble’s galaxy classes
How do astronomers classify galaxies? Find out by observing the various types.
Dennis Mammana’s cosmic portraits
This night sky photographer blends the terrestrial with the celestial.
Web Extra: More celestial images from a night sky photographer
Dennis Mammana captures the color, motion, and majesty of the heavens in ways one rarely sees.
How to choose the right binoculars
When the time comes to observe with both eyes open, follow these tips and you won’t go wrong.
Explore 11 spring binocular gems
Grab your binoculars and peruse a globular cluster, double stars, and lots of galaxies.
Web Extra: 10 more great spring binocular sights
When the weather begins to warm, get your sky-fix by grabbing your binoculars.
“Astronomy” tests the Telescope Drive Master
This easy-to-use device will smooth out your mount’s tracking to make your images crystal clear.
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The Sky this Month
StarDome and Path of the Planets
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